
:It's Been Far Too Long Again...:

Well, I'm back at it again. I've been down this road before, but the reality is, it's hard to shake old habits. Or in this case, start new ones. It's just so easy to let life get in the way, and before long, the things that don't have to happen RIGHT NOW just don't happen at all, let alone right now. Funny how that works.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not complaining. Just observing. And wishing. And hoping. And using "and" to start far too many sentences (anyone else remember being told that you should almost never begin a sentence with "and"?). Also, I don't know if those two-word combos above actually, technically can be classified as sentences or not. But whatever (see, there I go again).

I think telling myself that I'm going to do something is a failure of an idea. I need to stop telling myself, and actually just get up and do the things (whatever they may be). So whether it's blogging, or photography, or writing, or music, or whatever, I just need to DO IT. Period (and yes, I know, that may or may not be an actual sentence).

1 comment:

  1. I miss your blogs, Sam! How are you guys? (I couldn't get that into two words, or beginning with 'and.'=P )

    Keep writing :)
