
:Here's To A More Intentional 2012:

So I did this last year, too—to a reasonable amount of success. I still have to go back and find my goals and see how well I did as far as meeting them (I'll post them [along with my review on how I did] when I find them!)—but I feel like I can confidently say that it worked FAR better than setting “resolutions” has EVER worked for me in the past.

So, having said that, I have again, for 2012, chosen a major area in life that I want to “re-engage” in. I’ve specifically chosen the word “re-engage” for a couple reasons: first, it implies active involvement that extends beyond the first time doing it. So the point is to continue on with these goals, beyond the initial 30-days. Second, engaging implies that I am already involved in these things—I’m merely setting a goal that’s beyond what I’m currently doing. Third, the idea of engaging means that something is already going on—and I’m stepping in to be a part of it. I found that last year, when I talked about “retaking control” of things, it put the onus on me and my strength, rather than creating this idea of reliance on God to give the strength to follow through on my goals.

As I said, for each month, I’ve chosen a major area of my life. I’ve set three simple goals in each area—ways to re-engage in these areas of life. By doing this, I make these things reachable and measurable (i.e. it’ll be pretty obvious if I am or am not doing them!) Working on these things isn’t JUST confined to that particular month—I may begin working on some of them earlier than the month they are in… but the main focus for each month will be trying to work that goal into my life, with the hope that I will have reached most of them by the end of the year. Here’s to a more intentional 2012!

They say it takes 30 days to make a habit. So the hope is to make each of these things a habit by the end of the year.  Here goes nothing!

JANUARY: To re-engage in my devotional life by:
  • Spending at least 15 minutes a day in scripture
  • Spending at least 15 minutes a day in journaling/engaging
  • Spending at least 15 minutes a day in prayer

FEBRUARY: To re-engage in my marriage by:
  • Dating my wife (either out, or in-house) once a week, unless absolutely impossible (no lame excuses!)
  • Leaving love notes and messages for her each day before I leave for work
  • Creating time and space for her to have time to pursue her loves

MARCH: To re-engage in my family life by:
  • Protecting one day a week as a family day—nothing work-related gets scheduled on these days!
  • Protecting as many evenings as possible by getting work done during work (and morning) hours
  • Intentionally engaging together in playing at least as hard as we work (i.e. taking time to rest, play, hike, camp, whatever)

APRIL: To re-engage in my schedule by:
  • Engaging in these goals
  • Setting a “wake-up” time, and keeping it unless utterly necessary to break it
  • Building healthy routine into my life

MAY: To re-engage in my finances by:
  • Beginning to track things as closely as I did when we first got married (paper trails for everything!)
  • Committing to saying “no” to the credit card unless the money is there (or it’s an absolute emergency)
  • Putting any extras against debt and bills, rather than just allowing it to disappear (i.e. TELLING our money where to go)

JUNE: To re-engage in my health by:
  • Continuing to bike to work whenever possible (which means sometimes doing it when I don’t feel like it!)
  • Spending time exercising as a family (biking, hiking, walking, etc)
  • Making wise food choices, and sticking to them.

JULY: To re-engage in my hobbies by:
  • Blogging/writing at least once a week
  • Carrying a camera and taking photos/video whenever it avails itself
  • Intentionally creating time to complete projects

AUGUST: To re-engage in my work by:
  • Learning to see the joys in whatever work I am currently doing
  • Actively pursuing work options (regardless of how frightened I may be by stepping out!)
  • Continuing to strive to do the best I can at whatever I am doing

SEPTEMBER: To re-engage in my projects by:
  • Spending a half-hour writing at least once a week
  • Spending a half-hour working on a manual project (i.e. building, etc) at least once a week
  • Actively pursing creative ways to supply/fund my projects

OCTOBER: To re-engage in my communication by:
  • Re-connecting with key relationships via letters, etc.
  • Learning to be a better listener
  • Working on a (at least) yearly family newsletter for family/friends

NOVEMBER: To re-engage in my ministry by:
  • Continually seeking out new materials and inspiration
  • Continually seeking out new ways to use my (and others’) time more effectively
  • Continually seeking out new methods to draw new musicians/ministry members in and draw new things out of existing team members

DECEMBER: To re-engage in my neighbourhood by:
  • Learning to be unafraid to just say “hello”
  • Making a point of engaging in conversation, rather than shying away from it
  • Bringing cookies to neighbours (at least 5 houses in either direction) as a way to say “Merry Christmas”.

    So that's that. We'll talk again (hopefully throughout, but for sure at the end of the year) and see how this has all gone!


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