
:(no title):

And just like that, the fruit flies are back.

I think that when the gnats left Egypt, they must have come to Kelowna, because you practically breathe he dumb things in when the weather gets warm here. Try as you may (even keeping fruit and veggies exclusively in the fridge), they are EVERYWHERE. Crazy bugs.

Today was the first day of the year so far where you could step outside at eleven PM and not notice a drop in temperature between the average interior house temperature and outside. If it wasn't for the slight breeze, that is. The weather has been just gorgeous lately...pretty much a constant reminder of why people flock here for our summers.

It's a funny thing, this worrying business. Really, in a lot of ways, worry makes you feel bipolar...in the sense that it can come out of nowhere and virtually disable you--make you feel like you're functioning as a completely different person... Which I guess is where the big difference comes in--you KNOW you're functioning differently, even if you're seemingly powerless against it. As I understand it, bipolarity strikes and you're not aware that you're actually functioning out-of-the-ordinary...you just are.

I think Jesus must have known how much we would worry (I wonder what extent he dealt with it in his own life--or did he, since he had a proper relationship with his father?), and that's why he took intentional time to teach strongly on it. Still, in the day-to-day, it seems that this "consider the lily" business is easier said than done (maybe the fruit flies are getting in the way). Why is it do difficult to trust and function from that place even when we've seen it taken care of so many times?

More to the point--I preached on this a couple weeks back. Why is trust so difficult? Why is faith and belief so challenging? Why do we question and worry when we know Him to be faithful? Why are we so bad at reminding ourselves, and so poor an example to those who look to us to set an example?

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