

I've made it a personal goal to write SOMETHING every day.

This has become easier as of late, because things have really slowed down at work. The summer tourists are gone, and with them, the easy nights of not having to think in order to find work...the nights where it just comes to you.

It sounds on some level like a lofty goal, but really, it's not. 

Rather, it's wide open (which could, in and of itself, make it more complicated some nights).

See, the goal doesn't state WHAT I have to write... Merely THAT I write. So I have been having fun with it. Blogging, letters, random thoughts, etc.

The newest thing I have re-picked-up (haha, how's that for writing?) is poetry. I haven't even really dabbled much in poetry since high school, which is when I first explored the genre. It came along with my songwriting, kind of a natural extension of the craft.

But, similarly to my songwriting, it followed the emotions and feelings of my life to a very strict degree, seldom deviating from that subject matter which is so readily available to teenagers at a moment' snot ice. Wow. I love auto correct. It just turned "moment's notice" into what you just read above...

Moment' snot ice.


And it definitely makes more sense than what I was trying to type, no?

Anyway, I've recently discovered the joy of magnetic poetry on my iPad. So I guess it isn't really magnetic, then, but you get the picture.

And as a result, I've begun to explore abstract poetry. Sentences that don't necessarily make sense on the surface, but paint a picture in your head somehow that makes your thoughts run.....oh....somewhere. Anywhere.

Phrases which borrow the beauty inherent in words, and strings it together along some metric until you are left with something which flows, breathes, and sparks.

It's been fun. And the interpretations I've received from the few who have read it are as varied as I had hoped they would be. You see, to me, words should inspire. They should ignite. Poetry can paint a clear picture, with a clear message in mind, or it can splash some colours on the wall of your skull and see what your mind interprets from the mayhem. I feel like I've found both, somehow, in a way that I, at least, enjoy.

I hope you can, also.

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