
:See You In The Comics:

...It's a phrase my Opa (grandpa) used to use all the time when saying goodbye. I'm still not actually sure what it's entirely supposed to mean, but there you have it.

And here you have this: My Top-5 (plus 1) favorite comic strips of all time (with links!)

1: Calvin & Hobbes--This one takes the cake for best of all time. I grew up reading and loving this one. The irony, the sarcasm, the philosophy, and just the all-around imagination of the strip was always something that grabbed me and pulled me in.

2: Pearls Before Swine--Perhaps a little darker at times than the others in this list, I have always found the irony and sarcasm, along with the biting humour found in this strip to be quite entertaining. Outside of Calvin and Hobbes, it's the strip I most often find myself laughing out loud to.

3: Garfield--Definitely just in love with this one for the sarcasm. Who doesn't love a sarcastic cat? The strips get even funnier if you ignore Garfield completely, and just pay attention to Jon. Suddenly, John's a maniac talking to thin air. VERY funny.

4: The Far Side--The off-kilter humour in The Far Side is always good for a chuckle. It's one of those strips where you wonder where the guy comes up with it all--and then realize that it's probably just the first thing that popped into his head that morning as he was rolling out of bed. Unfortunately, Gary Larson (the creator of this strip) has made his strips unavailable for viewing online.

5: Zits--Possibly because I can still relate to the main character, Jeremy, in a lot of ways, this strip has always been a fun one for me to read, and usually leaves me at least grinning. The fun take on growing up, being tall and skinny, needing 10,000 calorie meals to stay full, etc. is definitely well tackled.

6: Bizarro--This one gets honorable mention as my "plus one" on this list. While not as consistently funny as the above strips, and not quite as original as The Far Side (which it seems modeled after), I routinely laugh at this one above all others in our local paper. With similar off-kilter humour and a "whatever just popped into my head" feel, this strip is well-worth the time to read.

So that's that. You know a little more, now.

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