
:Epic Edibles:

Just thought I'd share an epic meal with you after I had it tonight, thanks to some leftovers from my in-laws being here.

Smoked Salmon Cheeseburger
Burger Patty
Cheddar Cheese
Smoked Salmon (lox)
Cream Cheese
Sauteed Balsamic Mushrooms & Onions

Stick it all together, and enjoy! It's amazing!
Then, wash it down with the following:

Almond Vodka Mudslide
1 Tablespoon chocolate syrup
5 ounces Almond Milk
1 ounce Vodka
3-4 ice cubes

Put everything but the ice in your cup, shake/stir it up, and add the ice. Enjoy!

--Just putting it out there... =P--

:Glimpses of the Summer:

 Strawberry picking @ the end of June...
 First taste of strawberries EVER!

 A sign outside the bathrooms @ a rest area on the way to Vancouver

 Coffees @ Silverstar for some friends' wedding...

I know, it's a crazy guitar, eh?

:Word of the Week:


pronunciation: dee-spek-you-la-toree

definition: refusing to speculate--in an unthinking mood.

Therefore, if someone is in a despeculatory mood, they are reserving judgment on a situation, or refusing to offer up their opinion in a conversation, etc.


:Word Of The Week:


Pronunciation: shun-ower

Meaning: A sun shower (i.e. raining when it's sunny out)

Therefore, this new word would create along with it a plethora of additional words, such as:

"Suain" (swayne)--rain that is falling while it's sunny would not be called "rain", but, rather, "suain"
"Suaining" (swayne-ing)--i.e. 'It's suaining outside!'
"Suained" (swayned)--i.e. 'It suained yesterday'
"Suainy" (swayney)--i.e. 'It looks kinda suainy outside'

--Just a thought...


:Okay to Best-day:

Well, it was "a day" at work today. Not much going on, not much to do, and no prospects of creating work, either. Only thing it had going for it was the game of "31" at lunch with Jon and the Accounting Staff, and the fact that I got off at 3 due to an appointment in the afternoon.

THAT'S where it changed for the better.

The appointment: Family Photos.

The result: Awesome.

It was a good hour with the family, posing, and having photos taken of us. We'll go back next week to take our pick of them. So good.

Then, we topped it all off with a cherry on top... well, actually, raspberries. 10 pounds of them. SO amazing.

AND, as if it couldn't get any better, I had a daddy-daughter date at the grocery store, and got to spoil my little girl, my wife, and myself all in the process. What I wouldn't give for more time with my family.

BUT NOW, it's dinner and bedtime for the little girl, and the following for dinner for Mommy & Daddy:

Yam Fries
Fresh Braided French Bread with locally made Gouda, Honey Maple Turkey, fresh tomatoes, and butter.

Follow that up with a glass of wine and some dark chocolate, and maybe a good flick or TV show, and I'm pretty sure we've got a lineup for the greatest day ever.

Even with the so-so start.

**loves his life**


:A Smile:

...It makes me happy that the sun was still trying to be pretty on a rainy day...

...And Then This...

I love my wife. She is my sunshine. These are some flowers I bought her from the Farmer's Market on Saturday to make her kitchen a little more sunshine-y. =)

These are Kale Chips. They are probably my new favorite snack food (which is saying alot, because I can't get enough of Salt & Vinegar or All Dressed Chips). They are the kind of awesomeness that comes out of my wife's kitchen. Pretty sure I'll eat better than most for the rest of my life. Her food is kick-awesome. I've included the recipe below:
K.A.L.E CHIPS (Kick-Awesome-Leafy-Excitement) =P

2 bunches kale, broken into large pieces by hand

¾ cups sesame tahini
¼ cup nama shoyu (or soy sauce)
½ cup apple cider vinegar
½ cup water
2 scallions (or a two-by-two cube of onion)
1 clove garlic
1 lemon, juiced
¼ t. sea salt
¼ cup fresh parsley
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 cup ground sunflower seeds

Place kale in a large mixing bowl. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth to get a thick consistency. You may have to add more water. Pour over kale and mix thoroughly with your hands to coat the kale. You want this mixture to be really glued onto the kale.

Place kale onto a dehydrator sheet, and dehydrate for 4 hours @ 110 degrees. You'll need to use two or more trays, depending on the size of your dehydrator's trays. Rotate kale occasionally to dry uniformly.

SO worth making. SO worth eating. Seriously, they won't last long =P



Glimpses of Vancouver...

Word Of The Week...

So I've decided that sometimes, the English language just needs a new word that works better in a given situation than the ones currently in place for expressing that thought.

In that spirit, I've decided to implement a "word of the week"--only these words are not officially English words--yet (I've checked the online dictionaries). But they should be!

So here's this week's word.


Pronounciation: Ree-See-Vidge

Why: Because the word "receipt" already means too many things

Meaning: The act of receiving something (i.e. "He was in a state of receivage"), or in place of "receipt" (i.e. "upon receivage"), etc.

So no longer would things be payable upon receipt, but rather, upon receivage. Furthermore, if you are giving something to me, I would be in a state of receivage.

Check in again next week for a new word. And start using them. Maybe we get them into the language yet =P



First Off...

Well, it's official.

I've decided I DO need to foray back into the world of blogging--my thoughts need their escape.

But I've decided all my blogs will coalesce into this one. No more multiple blogs (goodbye livejournal, xanga, and former blogger account!)...just this one. Less to keep up, less to keep track of.

Less is more.

So here I am. Posting because, for the first time in almost a year, I've written a song.

If you count the one I'm working on with a buddy of mine, there's two from the past year. But seriously, the fact that they've been so few and far between is not a positive commentary on my songwriting...nonetheless, we'll be giving it a shot on Sunday... so we'll see how it goes. I'll share the words with you...

It's nothing terribly profound, but here it is:

You Ask Me

You ask me for my heart, and I’ll give it to you freely
You ask me for my soul, and it’s yours, unreservedly
You ask me for my mind, and my thoughts are yours, my Saviour
My life is yours, my all is yours, take me as I am

I will build my life upon this rock
I will not fall down when storms may toss
I will stand my feet on solid ground
Though the sand may wash away,
My faith will still remain

I will walk the paths that you have walked
I will not fall down when storms may toss
I will do the things that you have done
Though the sand may wash away,
Your truth will still remain

Called to live as you have lived
Called to speak the truth that you have spoken
Called to follow with my life
You have called me, I will answer, you have called me, I will go

So there you have it. Come by on Sunday to hear it, otherwise maybe you'll hear it some other time.
