
:Okay to Best-day:

Well, it was "a day" at work today. Not much going on, not much to do, and no prospects of creating work, either. Only thing it had going for it was the game of "31" at lunch with Jon and the Accounting Staff, and the fact that I got off at 3 due to an appointment in the afternoon.

THAT'S where it changed for the better.

The appointment: Family Photos.

The result: Awesome.

It was a good hour with the family, posing, and having photos taken of us. We'll go back next week to take our pick of them. So good.

Then, we topped it all off with a cherry on top... well, actually, raspberries. 10 pounds of them. SO amazing.

AND, as if it couldn't get any better, I had a daddy-daughter date at the grocery store, and got to spoil my little girl, my wife, and myself all in the process. What I wouldn't give for more time with my family.

BUT NOW, it's dinner and bedtime for the little girl, and the following for dinner for Mommy & Daddy:

Yam Fries
Fresh Braided French Bread with locally made Gouda, Honey Maple Turkey, fresh tomatoes, and butter.

Follow that up with a glass of wine and some dark chocolate, and maybe a good flick or TV show, and I'm pretty sure we've got a lineup for the greatest day ever.

Even with the so-so start.

**loves his life**

1 comment:

  1. Hey! You forgot to write about the best part of the lineup for tonight. Oh wait, you won't write that because this is a family friendly blog. :-P
